
When McDonald’s removed artificial flavors, preservatives, and colors from their classic burgers, they wanted to host an experiential event at their headquarters to celebrate the big announcement.

So, we created an immersive popup with five, themed rooms to take guests through McDonald’s journey to better burgers.

Food Journey Timeline

To start the experience, we created an interactive timeline that allowed guests to learn about our history of ingredients simply by holding up their phones to see videos and moving components.


Sauce Boss Competition

To introduce the simplified sauce, we asked guests to participate in a sauce cooking competition, where they made our Mac Sauce from just nine ingredients. Chef Mike judged the best sauce but really everyone won because who doesn’t want to make their own Mac Sauce alongside a head chef and take it home in a personalized bottle?

Say Cheese!

We guided guests through a cheese tasting of all the real cheeses that go into our American cheese. Guests were able to keep an engraved cheese board.

Additives Are Toast.

Guests were able to take pictures in front of our Instagrammable bun wall. They were also given personalized toasters that toasted their selfies onto our buns.

A Successful Journey…

And to top it off, guests were given the chance to sample our seven classic burgers while having all their McD’s questions answered by McDonald’s head chefs. Yes, anyone can add Big Mac sauce to a Quarter Pounder and they should.


Smart Choice MRI

