
For the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac, we wanted to go big. Sure, we could drop the price to 50 cents or give a free one to everyone named Mac, but we wanted to do something different, something to get people excited about what is essentially a branded anniversary.

Inspired by what’s known as the “Big Mac Index,” a system economists have used for decades to measure the purchasing power of global currencies, we pushed the burgeoning interest in alt. currencies to its logical conclusion: We needed to celebrate the Big Mac’s 50th by making its own currency that can be used for a free Big Mac the world over.

Because if it’s good enough to measure global currencies, it should be a global currency.

This project was lead by the extremely talented Jeff Roy (AD) and Drake Paul (CW). My role on this came in the initial stages from briefing to concepting the MacCoin itself. They took the reins for all development/production/execution.



Awards and Reach

Gold Lion – PR Multi-market Campaign

Silver Lion – PR Effectiveness

Silver Clio – PR




Smart Choice MRI